Located 20 minutes from Lompoc, the Gaviota Peak Trail offers pristine ocean views from it’s 2,458-foot peak. The added bonus? Take a dip in the natural milky blue pools of Gaviota Hot Springs! The main trail is 6-mile round trip while the scenic Trespass Trail is a tremendously scenic 6.5-mile loop with 2,150 feet of elevation gain.
The main trailhead is just off Highway 101 in Gaviota State Park. The trail begins at the fire road and junctions at Trespass Trail where you can head left or right to hike toward the peak. Tresspass trail offers the more challenging and scenic views on the way up. The trail is single track vs. the larger fire road of the main trail.
Gaviota Hot Springs are located half a mile from the main trailhead and only a tenth of a mile off the trail, making it easily accessible and a popular part of the Gaviota Peak Trail hike. To access the hot springs, take the main trailhead off the Highway 101 (in the cul-de-sac) and hike up the main fire road to the junction with Trespass Trail.”Turn left onto Trespass Trail and hike up the road to the next junction until you see the creek. Turn right and follow the creek to its source. The hot springs will be located a tenth of a mile up the overgrown single track.
New spot on our site: Gaviota Hot Springs in Santa Barbara! This natural hot spring is less than a mile hike! The trail will take you through a shaded pathway which leads you to the light, milky blue pool. Enjoy! Link to page in our bio. #hiddencalifornia
Você sabia que há várias termas naturais espalhadas pela Califórnia?
Há algumas mais conhecidas como as termas de Big Sur, a comunidade Esalen, por exemplo, abre suas termas toda madrugada para o público externo e o mais legal: elas ficam de frente para o mar.
Ainda em Big Sur, ha termas selvagens - Sykes Hot Springs - que exigem tuma trilha mais longa mas que são bem conhecidas entre os locais aqui na Califórnia.
Ávila Beach, Mammoth Lakes e Paso Robles também tem termas bem conhecidas, algumas desertas outras super exploradas.
Nessa viagem fizemos a trilha rumo às termas do Gaviota Park, e achei o visual da trilha bem interessante (são 800 metros de trilha com uma subida boa, mas indo devagar, dá para fazer com as crianças).
Há duas termas no topo, uma nascente cristalina bem quentinha - quando chegamos lá ela estava cheia com um grupo de amigos e em épocas de COVID não quisemos nem pensar em dividir - Deslize para ver a foto meia boca que tirei do grupo na maior cara de pau.
Então fomos para a piscina de baixo, de águas bem turvas (elas já entraram em contato com o solo) e cheiro forte de minério. Já aviso, não é qualquer um que vai topar entrar, o Gu se recusou.
Eu caí com as crianças que amaram a temperatura (é bem quentinha) e não queriam sair da piscininha, mas que detestaram a sensação do barro meio pegajoso do fundo.
Eu curti a experiência. Não é todo dia que tenho a chance de nadar em águas termais no meio da natureza, então abstrai os perrengues e aproveitei a experiência.
Deslize as fotos e conte pra mim: você cairia na água ou to muito louca?
Переборщили немного с хайком сегодня. Я на обратном пути говорила: хочу в машину. Дети в восторге от горячих источников, а я зашла только по колено, что-то прям неее. Хотя выглядит прикольно и вода горяченькая и бурлит. Закрыли бассейны, дети страдают, хоть тут поплавать можно 🙂
You already know the tall handsome man to my left, but the tall handsome man to my right is Brennan. I met him 2 years, at the #gaviotahotsprings and we naturally hit it off. A chance encounter if you will. Randomly he contacts me and tells me he`s leaving out of Honolulu today. And we had just arrived, and kundalinired totally spots him, we end up chatting for a quick 15 mins, but super stoked to get an amazing hug from this guy. After seeing Brennan, it was like divine intervention, this is going to be an amazing trip!!! . . . #hawaiianvacation #islandvibes #travelingconnections #friends #chanceencounters #honoluluairport #blessingsfromabove #hugs #tallhotmen #thecouplethatplaystogetherstaystogether
[USA Adventure] Spring Break Part 1 - Santa Barbara (8 Fotos). Die Frühlingsferien verbrachten wir nicht ganz typically american mit Saufen am Strand von Florida 😂 Stattdessen nutzten wir die 1 Woche, um ein wenig zu reisen 🚗 2 Tage verbrachten wir in Santa Barbara und haben uns die Stadt sowie die Natur angesehen. Santa Barbara ist eine schöne Stadt - kann man nur empfehlen. Am 2. Tag sind wir wandern gewesen. Zuerst ging es zu den "Gaviota Hot Springs", die uns jedoch etwas enttäuschten. Da wollte man sich nicht wirklich rein setzten 😅 Weiter ging es also die Berge hoch zum "Gaviota Peak". Der Weg war sehr anstrengend: Es ging steil und kurvig nach oben und nach jeder Kurve hoffte man, endlich anzukommen. Als wir dann nach 2-3 Stunden endlich oben ankamen, konnten wir den Pazifik sehen - das war schon echt ein toller Ausblick😍 Leider war es mega windig, sodass ich manchmal richtig weg geweht wurde. Viel Zeit verbrachten wir da oben also nicht. Was wir beide ziemlich cool fanden war eine Box mit lauter "Gästebüchern". In diesen haben wir ein wenig gestöbert und uns auch mit verewigt📝 Der Weg runter war natürlich nicht ganz so anstrengend und wir erfreuten uns an einem leckeren Essen sowie chocolate shake bei "The Habit". Dieses Fast Food Restaurant ist echt super - wir vermissen das Essen sehr!! Insbesondere den "Santa Barbara Char" und die "Tempura Beans"💕 ⠀ ⠀ #santabarbara #gaviotahotsprings #gaviotapeak #thehabit #calihikes #livingabroad #auslandsjahr #auslandserfahrung #usatrip #awayfromhome #usaadventures #throwback #wanderlust #oneyearago #heutevoreinemjahr
Little adventure hiking to the beautiful Gaviota hot springs this morning 🌿 feel so refreshed after bathing in nature and I can still smell the sulphur on my skin 😌 They are my new favourite thing! Decided every time the 4 of us meet up we must find a hot spring no matter where we are in the world 🌏 So...any recommendations ?
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