
Explore Lompoc | Blog | What is Living History? A Look Inside La Purisima Mission Events

What is Living History? A Look Inside La Purisima Mission Events

La Purisima Living History Events

Built in 1787 by Spanish settlers, the La Purisima Mission is the eleventh of twenty-one Spanish missions built in California.

Known for the production of hides and blankets, the mission once was home to the Chumash people and Spanish settlers as well as 24,000 cattle and sheep during its prime.

Today, the halls are quiet, and the stables are home to only a handful of livestock, but when you step foot onto the dirt path and walk through the stone corridor with its adobe walls and thatched roof, it’s easy to imagine what life was like over two hundred years ago.

On certain days your imagination can get a helping hand with docents dressed in period clothing making candles and tending to livestock. The smell of handmade tortillas cooking over the fire fills the air and the trill of iron being pounded in the distance will magically teleport back in time to experience early mission life.

This is what living history days at the La Purisima Mission are all about.

La Purisima Living History EventsLiving History Events

Interested in experiencing history coming to life? Visit La Purisima Mission at one of their annual living history events throughout the year! Admission is $6 per car , $5 for senior vehicles and admission includes all daily activities. Take a picnic and plan to spend the day exploring the Living History Event, hike one of the over 25 miles of hiking trails and visit the Gift Shop and Visitor Center.

Traditional Mission Life Day


Experience what daily mission life was like through guided tours by costumed docents. Tour the grounds while receiving hands-on tutorials on candle making, blacksmithing, weaving, carpentry, tortilla making and more!

Sheep Shear

May 4, 2019

Watch the Mission sheep get their annual haircut and learn about wool production with engaging activities for the whole family!

Village Days

August 24 & November 2, 2019

Watch the Tule Village come to life with demonstrations of traditional Chumash games, acorn grinding and basket weaving as well as demonstrations of colonial Spanish life.

Children’s Mission Life Day

July 20, 2019

This event has all of the fixings on Traditional Mission Life Days with a hands-on kid-friendly twist that allows children to participate in kid-friendly activities that get them in touch with history!

Harvest Mission Life Day

September 14, 2019

Stomp on some grapes at the annual celebration of the end of the grape harvest while enjoying other traditional Mission activities!

Interested in more events at the La Purisima Mission? View their events calendar or check out the La Purisima Mission’s website!




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